Handling emotions, strategic skill in disruptive leadership





Emotional intelligence, Disruptive, Leadership


This work addresses own emotions and those of others, by business leaders from the city of Hermosillo, Sonora. The objective is to know the level of development of these skills, considering their relevance in the practice of leadership, characterized by a stellar empathy between leader and followers, which facilitates the implementation of innovation strategies in these times of COVID-19 , based on two hypotheses H1. Leaders have a higher level of perception and understanding of their emotions than of perception and understanding of the emotions of others. H2. Leaders have a higher level of self-regulation of their emotions than of the regulation of the emotions of others. The Rotterdam Emotional Intelligence Scale was used as an evaluation instrument, which measures Emotional Intelligence focused on oneself and on others. The results obtained support the hypotheses of a higher level of self-knowledge and self-regulation than those of the others. With these results, it is presented as a conclusion that there is a need for the development of the primary skills of Emotional Intelligence, aimed at achieving disruptive leadership.


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Author Biographies

María Leticia Verdugo Tapia, Profesora de tiempo completo del Departamento de Administración de la Universidad de Sonora

Profesora de tiempo completo del Departamento de Administración de la Universidad de Sonora, México. Doctora en Administración Educativa, por el Instituto Pedagógico de Posgrado en Sonora, A.C. marialeticia.verdugo@unison.mx, ORCID:


Sergio Ramón Rossetti López, Universidad de Sonora

Técnico Académico del Departamento de Administración de la Universidad de Sonora, México. Candidato a Doctor en Innovación en Tenología Educativa por la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. ORCID:


Isaac Shamir Rojas Rodríguez, Universidad de Sonora

Profesor Investigador del Departamento de Administración de la Universidad de Sonora, México. Doctor en Desarrollo Regional por el Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo A.C. ORCID: 



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How to Cite

Verdugo Tapia, M. L. ., Rossetti López, S. R. ., & Rojas Rodríguez, I. S. . (2021). Handling emotions, strategic skill in disruptive leadership. Indiciales, 1(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.52906/ind.v1i1.5



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