Legal overview prior to the regulation of the cannabis trade in Mexico.



control, regulation, cannabis, adult use


There are multiple questions relating to cannabis regulation in Mexico´s legal system in the approach of its legalization. Therefore, the event is analyzed with special interest in its marketing features. Therefore, it is necessary to anticipate the scenarios with a theoretical analysis of documentary sources based on legislative background; current legal standards; national jurisprudence; as well as doctrinal research from various fields. This is made to address possible considerations that might be adopted in the internal rule, compatible with the idiosyncrasy and internal legal institutions. Hence, the topic represents a hermeneutical space for research in its first phase. It is approached from a theoretical perspective, with the objective focused on outlining the potential legislative scenarios in order to subsequently propose a business model for the commercialization of a product with a prominent market, Cannabis, through the use of digital technologies, primarily, e-commerce.


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Poder Ejecutivo Federal. (19 de junio de 2017). DECRETO por el que se reforman y adicionan diversas disposiciones de la Ley General de Salud y del Código Penal Federal. México: Diario Oficial de la Federación.

Schievenini Stefanoni, J. D. (2021). La prohibición nacional del Cannabis en México: revisión histórica de la relación entre las leyes y la ciencia. Noesis Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, 30(60). doi:DOI:



How to Cite

Icedo Paredes, J. M., & Salgado Beltrán, L. (2022). Legal overview prior to the regulation of the cannabis trade in Mexico. Indiciales, 1(3 (enero-junio), 148–157. Retrieved from



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